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MCHVN is partnering with Creating Increased Connections to bring a 6-part, online evening hearing voices facilitator training to the community for the summer of 2024. This training is open to anyone living with the experiencing of hearing voices, or experiencing other sensory phenomena not shared by others, who have an interest in facilitating hearing voices groups. The training will be held over the course of two weeks, Wednesday August 14 through Friday, August 16 and then Wednesday, August 21 through Friday, August 23. The training will be held from 6pm to 9pm (EST) each night. The training is being offered at no cost for those how live and/or work in Montgomery County, PA. The cost for those outside the county is $50, payable by check or money order to Creating Increased Connections. Scholarships will be available for those who are low or no-income. All payments should be mailed  to:


Creating Increased Connections

18 E. 4th St.

Bridgeport, PA 19405

ATTN: Hearing Voices Training

Please include your name, address, phone number and email with your payment.


If you have any further questions about this training or would like to inquire about a scholarship, please contact Conrad Lawson at


You may register for the training by following this link:


mchvn logo.jpg


Montgomery County Hearing Voices Network


18 E. 4th St.

Bridgeport, PA 19405



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